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List & Label 30 Goes into Beta

Sep 11, 2024 | 2024

It’s expected to be the end of October: List & Label will hit 30!

The new anniversary version boasts an exciting set of new features. In addition to VPAT Section 508 compliance, the availability of drilldown functions in the Web Report Designer and the embedding of fonts in project files, design QR codes can now also be created.

You can find an overview of all the new features on our website

Start of the beta test

To start the upcoming release change, we are once again launching a beta version this year.

Beta testers can test new versions in advance, and we look forward to receiving valuable feedback. The big advantage: List & Label 30 becomes a stable product in the application context as soon as it is released and all new features can be used immediately.

All customers with an Enterprise or Professional Edition have already received an email with an invitation to the beta test.

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